Generative Plotter Art

Draw generated pictures using a drawing robot

Being fascinated by mathematical and physical algorithms, one can try to produce all kinds of drawings. First a software program is created where the mind must land in the abstract world of code.


After countless iterations, the pictures are transferred to a self-build drawing robot. The robot can use all kinds of pens and paper. Using a pen and paper with their artefacts could be seen as a downscale with respect to the perfect modern print techniques. But actually these artefacts enrich the perfect mathematical drawing to a non-perfect world. And by using pens with ink that printers don’t have, a special result is achieved. Metallic pens give a reflective result. Depending on your orientation of movement along the picture, makes it change it appearance.

Although we do our best to show the results on this page the best way possible, it has to be seen in real life.

The drawings will be printed in limited or unique editions, both on A4 and A3 size.  For sale send a direct message.

Live Plotting : Single Line Selfie

How does an artist make a protrait? What is the algorithm that makes a picture out of lines?

One possible answer is the Single Line Selfie. At a live event we take a picture, do magic with the computer and the plotter will draw. It starts, drops the pen on the paper and will not lift until the picture is finished!

Black hole philosophy of the delusional mind

Single unique drawings of which only one will be printed. The digital picture will be destroyed, no reproduction possible. Drawings will be made on A3 and A4. Picture above are camera pictures of the drawings.

Pen : Gelly roll – Japan – metallic silver

Paper : Clairefontaine Pollen – 210 gram

Floral dissertation on mathematical life

Single unique drawings of which only one will be printed. The digital picture will be destroyed, no reproduction possible. Drawings will be made on A3 and A4. Picture above are camera pictures of the drawings.

Pen : Gelly roll – Japan – metallic silver

Paper : Clairefontaine Pollen – 210 gram

For sale send a direct message.

Impossible Geometry

Study on the impossible possibilities.

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The drawing is modelled after the orbits of Mars and Earth around the sun. The lines display the connection between the planets during their eternal travels.

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